
Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Whooosh!!! Can it be Thanksgiving already? We've had unseasonably warm and beautiful weather here, so it kind of snuck up on me.

I'm picking up a premade dinner at a local restaurant, picking up my parents and we're heading to the coast for the day to meet up with my sister and her family.

It's been requested that I bring clay. Last time we all got together we sat for hours making beautiful ceramic leaves. We rolled out the clay and pressed leaves in it. We used hollyhock, liquid amber and just plain ol' weeds. I had them fired and then we glazed them and oh my! they turned out awesome! My mom was so impressed she's going to adhere them to a canvas and hang them. Hard telling what we'll make this time!

The last couple years I've sent out Fall cards instead of Christmas cards. This year I printed a photo I'd taken on my vacation and glued them to a blank card using Aleene's Memory Glue.

Speaking of photos from my vacation, I had a VERY pleasant surprise this week when a lady I work with saw some enlargements I had in my office and BOUGHT 3 of them. So, does that mean I can call myself a professional photographer? Only time will tell.

Have an awesome turkey day!


  1. Hi Joan,

    How was Thanksgiving?? I am anxious to hear about what crafts you did with your family!

    Ceramic Diva

  2. Hi Ceramic Diva,

    My Thanksgiving was awesome! I'll post more pictures in a couple of days.

    I can't wait to hear how your big family to do went.

