
Thursday, December 28, 2006

You just never know...

Another party - can it possibly be? And how can another party relate to crafting - well, one never knows what will happen or who they will meet anywhere on their journey.

This party was at Doug's house, again and here I am out by the fire pit - the dreaded fire pit that melted my shoes later in the evening. That's where the crafting comes in. I rested my shoe against the fire pit and it melted the sole apart. As I hobbled out to my car that night, I reminded myself to get out the ol' Aleene's 7800 All-Purpose Adhesive when I got home and fix my shoe - it worked great!

OK, so back to the you just never just never know who you'll meet (or in this case I already had met him) at a party or anywhere for that matter! To the left of me in the photo is Mark Alvis, the Producer and Star of a new PBS series on Sustainability that will air soon.

What is sustainability you ask? The goal of Mark's company, Alvis Projects, Inc. is to design and build, cost effective, energy efficient buildings. The ultimate goal would be buildings that made as much energy as they consumed: a net zero building - which they do! Check out his website:

Now, to go get a sneak peek of Mark's show!
That's it for now!

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