
Friday, January 05, 2007

SAN DIEGO, a party (yes, another one!) and lots of ahhhhh time...

My trip to San Diego was one of those "just do it" things. I saw a workshop on-line, saw it was on a long weekend and decided to go for it...little did I know it would be a life changing experience.

I'd been a Navy wife in San Diego almost 30 years ago, but had only been back maybe twice since then. I had no other plans for the weekend except for my 7 hour workshop on Saturday then Sunday and Monday were MINE to re-explore a city I used to call home!

As the plane took off, I tried to set aside something that had happened that day and witness the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen. I had a strange shift in my thought process in that I looked at the situation asking myself - what is the life lesson I'm supposed to learn from this???...

When I got on my connector plane in LA, a man was sitting in my seat and the woman in the seat across the aisle said "I've known him for 41 years, I'll sit next to him". The woman and I chatted until the plane took off - she's an author and her husband was a Navy fighter pilot. Once the plane took off we couldn't talk because of the noise.

As we came in for a landing, the many twinkling lights of San Diego reminded me of a pirate's treasure chest laid out in front of my eyes -overflowing with beautiful shiny trinkets waiting to be scooped up and enjoyed!

When we were about to get off the plane, Judy asked if I liked music and when I said "yes", she said they were having a pianist in their home on New Years Eve and that if I didn't get a better offer I was welcome. I didn't commit either way.

No trip to San Diego would be complete without time in Balboa Park. I was delighted to hear the organist practice the 1920's organ getting ready for the New Year's concert that afternoon - there's nothing like a organ playing auld lang syn to bring a tear to the eyes.

The dragon and people are made with thousands of tiny mosaic and glass pieces. They were awesome!
The arborium has always been one of my favorite places at Balboa Park.

Then on to Mission Bay where I saw the most incredible sight! These are kites probably 20 feet long! The old wooden rollercoaster was a hoot along with other midway rides.

I can't forget the party - I never hesitated for a second to go, even though I'd only chatted with Judy for a brief few moments - I met the most incredible people - they were from a choral group Judy had started a couple years back. We sang, ate, played a phrase game...we watched a fifteen minute fireworks display over the bay from their home. Thank you Judy for an awesome evening!

I spent my last day just driving around San Diego, turning left when I wanted to go left and right when it felt right to go right - I just enjoyed the sights and friendliness of San Diego...I won't wait as long to return this time...


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Life certainly has a way of teaching us "lessons", often when we least expect it and in ways that we don't understand at the time. I certainly envy your explorations of SD ~ sounds very fun!
