
Monday, February 19, 2007

Creativity is where you least expect it!

It was a covert operation - keep my nephews out of the way while their parents got ready for a surprise party! My 11 year old nephew knew about the party, but the 5 year old did not!
So, we had lots of time to kill - 3-1/2 hours to be exact! We did the shopping thing, eating thing and I just started driving around the countryside near where I grew up.
These fun 'people' are made from soccer balls, brooms, gourds and lots of organic material. It's on the way to a nearby town and I've zoomed past it zillions of times, but this time I stopped and we got out and really got up close and personal - the party on the back of the trailer is a hoot.
BTW, my little nephew was TOTALLY suprised!!! I got them awesome 3D kites and they ran around the farm trying to get them to fly - now we need some wind...

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