
Friday, March 30, 2007

Well, it's Friday afternoon and it's time to kick back just a little. I'm looking forward to tomorrow with my friend Doug - he's doing an interior decorating/ craft workshop at a local model home. He does fabulous work with inexpensive things and things you probably have around your home - I'll have pictures up soon.

I've been cleaning and cleaning and getting rid of lots of things. It's a good feeling! I've found some craft supplies that are calling to me - I did take the time to decoupage on a wooden box. I plan to finish that this weekend.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's National Craft Month!

I was just writing some copy for the Duncan website about March being National Craft Month. It made me stop and think that I really need (OK, and want!) to take time to CREATE!

Last weekend, my 5 year old nephew and I painted using the Tulip® 3D Fashion Paint™ - every time he visits (which isn't often enough for me!) he asks to paint. I LOVE IT! We went to a local craft store and he selected a wood 'bug carrier' as a gift for his brother's hamster. Well, after he got it painted, it quickly became a holder for the plastic animals he had also gotten at the craft store.

Back to me being creative. My next stop is to check out the Duncan website and get inspired for my next project. Hmmmm...tie-dye, invitations for a special party I'm planning - I'm sure I'll find something!

Oh, I am getting to test another new craft product this week - can't wait to share that with you when it's released! Just a little teaser!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Here's my weekend craft!!!

My new saying is 'Let go of the outcome'...I've been using this whenever life seems to get a little tough and it is working amazingly well for me. I wanted to keep a reminder of it close at hand, so I decided to put it in front of me where I spend most of my time - in front of my computer.

I wrote the letters using Tulip 3D Fashon Paint on some stiff plastic and when it was dry, I peeled it off and applied it to my computer. If you don't feel comfortable freehanding the lettering, write it out or print it off on your printer and place the plastic over the lettering and trace with the paint! The flowers are dots made in a circle with more paint in the center. My mind is racing with ideas for each month - 4 leaf clovers, Easter eggs, flags...when you're ready to change them out, they easily peel off.

If you look really close, you'll see little hearts - those have been on my computer for literally years using the same technique.

My Snow Buddy...

Ahhhh...fresh air, a little snow, a little relaxing, a little contemplating...

It was time to just get away and leave everything behind. I jumped into my car yesterday, headed to the mountains to chill and rejuvenate.

When there's snow, you gotta make a snow buddy. You can't tell by the picture, but this guy is only 6" tall. I was out in the boonies, so it was hard to find things to decorate with - but I happened to have a red marker pen.

AND, I crafted this weekend!!! I didn't have time to upload the photos, so I'll show you my creations hopefully later today! It felt so good to get in there and make something! It isn't grandeous, but just felt good and it's inspiring too.

Make it a great week!
