
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

MAYhem continues!!!

As my birthday month continues, so does the outrageous fun! My friend Lauren and I met in San Francisco for a long weekend and did all the tourist activities and then some!
Friday we rode a historic cable car to a wonderful Italian restaurant in Little Italy where we enjoyed a gourmet fun shaped pizza! Lauren treated me to the play Beach Blanket Babylon - it was such a hoot! Just when I thought it couldn't get any more outrageous, it did! The costumes were fantastic - at the end, one of the characters wore a "hat" that took up a good part of the stage with a San Francisco cityscape and then the cable car on the hat turned on its light and moved up the hill...the premise of the story was Snow White trying to find Prince Charming - she searched far and wide and finally found him - it was Elvis!!! So, you can see, it was a very different play!

Saturday we shopped, shopped and shopped some more! Both of us live in cities where we feel shopping challenged, so to have large department stores at our door step was awesome! The evening included another play called Shopping - it was so appropriate for the day's activities. We enjoyed the Farmer's Market down on the Embarcadero in the morning partaking in samples of everything from cheese, to fresh fruit to candies... yummmmy! I did pick up a little something while I was there - a new puppy - actually, Bab's (named after our theater experience) is an ivy topiary!

Sunday was the Bay to Breakers Race - well, we found out that the true "racers" did their thing early in the morning and then it was crazy time! Thousands upon thousands of people had on outrageous costumes, carried crazy banners - just about anything anyone could image was on the streets of San Francisco. The picture is of a 'float' that was in the parade - they stopped in front of us and hit fake golf balls into the crowd! We walked and walked the streets - we managed to use four types of city transportation while we were there - we were quite proud of navigating around the city.

Some more highlights - cupcakes were everywhere - we had to have a little itty bitty one at a wonderful gourmet grocery store - it was topped with coconut frosting and we admired beautiful cupcakes at Ghiradelli Square - $3 for a cupcake!...Chocolate when in SF you have to have chocolate...and I had to bring back sourdough bread for my coworkers.

I'm sure I've left out many, many fun things we did! What a terrific weekend!

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