
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Gettin' Back in the Groove
OK, so I'm back in the groove - it's been a month of fun, adventure and excitement but I am thankful to be settling down and getting back to CRAFTING!!!
I found these ceramic letters and butterflies (there were other shapes) at a local craft store for $2 each. They were plain white and I wanted to spice them up and knew that paint wouldn't stick long term. So, one day, I saw the beautiful napkins I'd gotten at a store on my vacation in Carmel. They were perfect to cover the shapes. Here's how I did it...
Express Yourself Paper Napkin Applique
  • Remove and discard non-printed plies of napkin.
  • Brush Aleene's Paper Napkin Applique Glue on top and sides of shape.
  • Place napkin over shape, smooth on surface and on sides with your fingers - wrinkles add character.
  • Brush glue over napkins.
  • Let dry. Trim excess napkins on back.
You're done! I love it!
I enjoyed a lot of kicking back and relaxing over the last month and wanted to bring a little of that into my home life. I glued pieces of travertine marble (leftover from a remodeling project) on a ceramic ball (it had a hole in the top) with Aleene's Platinum Bond 7800 All-Purpose Adhesive. I grouted the ball and spread the grout on a bowl. I added a fountain pump and now I have a relaxing fountain on my deck - I love the trickling sound!!!


  1. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Hey Joan,

    I loved your fountain so much, I tried it myself. I like eclectic things and had found one of those ceramic scuba diving figures used in acquariums at a garage sale - I put him at the top of the fountain using the grout with the water tube inserted where the air tube would normally have gone - it works like a champ!!! Thanks for the inspiration.


  2. Hi Joan,

    This is wonderful! I really want to make one of those for my backyard! Perfect for those relaxing mornings just reading the paper & drinking coffee!

    Ceramic Diva
