
Monday, July 30, 2007

An Awesome Weekend with my Aleene's Friend, Lauren
This beautiful spread looks fresh out of a magazine, but no, it was the fabulous food my friend Lauren prepared this weekend. I'm used to cereal and a stop by Starbuck's for a Venti Black Iced Tea on weekdays on my rush to work. So, to sit down to this scrumptious fratatta, Caramelized Bacon (glazed with Canadian Maple Syrup she'd brought back from a recent trip - very yummy, by the way!), fresh fruit and a Bloody Mary was a great gift.
We had a delightful, but short weekend. We crafted, crafted some more and experimented with some products. We caught up on everything since our last trip to San Francisco in May.
Sunday, we lounged around and took the short drive from Lauren's to the ocean where we did a lot of people watching at a concert right on the cliffs overlooking the ocean. It was delightful to relax without a care in the world!
We're already planning our next get together where crafting will reign, I'm sure!
Make it a great week!


  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Sure, now I'm all hungry!! Where's the recipes for this???


  2. I'll have to check with Lauren on that.

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I remember you from the old T.V. show. What's become of everyone? The show always felt like we were all sitting around the kitchen table just crafting our little brains out. I miss that.
