
Saturday, December 08, 2007

Gift / Get Organized Idea
Decoupage File Cabinet
File In Style

Let your creativity spill into your office - decoupage a poster or fabric onto an inexpensive file cabinet.

What You Need
Tulip® Soft Fabric Paint™, colors to coordinate with poster
Aleene’s® Instant Decoupage™ Sealer & Finish
Poster large enough to fit front of file cabinet
File cabinet
Foam brush

How to Make It
Cut poster to fit fronts of drawers.
Brush Instant Decoupage on front of one drawer.
Place poster piece on Instant Decoupage. Smooth with your hands. Brush Instant Decoupage over poster. If air bubbles appear, poke with pin and smooth by rubbing finger over it and applying more Instant Decoupage. Repeat for other drawer.
Sponge paint sides and top of file cabinet with Soft Paints. Let dry.
Brush Instant Decoupage over paint to protect surfaces.

Make It Yours! Tip
Posters are available in all kinds of different motifs – find one that is just perfect for you or the person you’re giving the file cabinet to.

Wrap It Up! Tip
Fill the file cabinet with file folders, labels, pens, pencils and all kinds of different organizational finds from your local office supply store. Add a bow to the top of the file cabinet and let it speak for itself!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I love this idea. One of my new years resolutions is to get organized.

    I'm going to find a poster or wrapping paper with money on it, maybe it'll help me keep some of mine.

