
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happy Wednesday!

I was talking to a friend today and we were discussing my blog. He noticed that I had been putting on a whole lotta craft projects, but he missed reading about what was going on in my life. Well, here's my story...

I, like you, am busy with the holidays, but I enjoy sharing my creativity with you, so a top priority is posting a craft project every day until the end of the month.

What it comes down to is that I have been under the weather for a few weeks and am just now getting back into the swing of things. I know I'm down hard when I can't go to work or at least work from home - that was the case this time around. Even with a Z-Pack of super duper antibiotics, I was in bed for days.

I'm also busy at work because we're getting ready to launch a fantastic new product line! It's so awesome - the products are so unique - you're going to love them! Over the last several months I have gotten to know the lady behind these products and she's one super lady - full of high energy, knowledge of crafters and what they want and her products show it. Wish I could let you in on the buzz - soon...

Tonight, inbetween my overtime, I made my ornament for our company's holiday party on Friday. I'll include a picture when I'm done - it involves the Tulip Fashion Glitter and Crystals and a bit of feather boa. AND...I can't believe I did this - I signed up for a karaoke competition at the party. We'll see if I get selected - we can only have 5 people from our department, so names will be drawn tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed. Oh, the winners of the competition get a day off from work!!!

Remember to take a few minutes for yourself (how about right now?)

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