
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What do you give a guy who has everything?
My brother loves old rusty things, lives on the 40 acre family farm and is really hard to buy gifts for.
This present really came by mistake - I was at the family farm taking pictures of leaves for a gift for my mom (she really, really loves leaves - AND so do I!). I thought about taking photographs of interesting leaves, but thought it would have so much more meaning if they were leaves that she saw every day. As I was out taking leaf pictures, I noticed that a board on the barn had a cutout of some kind that looked like a D - that's where I lost all track of time (my mom actually came out to make sure I hadn't fallen in the well - there's actually no way to fall in the well, but it sounds good...I am a writer, after all!). So, I started looking around to spell out my brother's name in things around the farm. The A is some kind of a hitch the V is an inverted saw horse, the I is actually (I'd have to clarify this with David after Christmas) that it's from a Model T and the other D is a tractor seat. I really had fun doing this. So, let your imagination run free and sometimes don't think so hard about that perfect gift and it will just come to you as if it was written on the side of a billboard - in my case on the side of the barn! It was inexpensive too!
David's Rusty Old Stuff Wall Art
Here's What You Need
Aleene's® Crystal Clear Tacky Spray™
Aleene's® Original Tacky Glue™
Tulip® Soft Fabric Paint™ (color to match wood)
Foam paintbrush
Old wood for background
Picture hangers and hammer
Chipboard (size of photos)

Here's How to Make It
1. Attach picture hangers on back of wood.
2. Paint edges of chipboard with Soft Paint. Let dry.
3. Spray Tacky Spray on front of chipboard. Press on photo. Repeat for all photos.
4. Glue photos on front of wood.

Make It Yours! Tip
Think of what the person really likes - is it candy, is it office supplies (that could be fun!), is it pictures of the kids (have them form the letters with their bodies or hands!)???

Wrap It Up! Tip
I think I'm going go hang this out in David's workshop or maybe I'll wrap it in a burlap sack...


  1. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Your brother is one lucky guy to have you as his sister.


  2. Joan, this is AMAZING! How CREATIVE!!! Hey, have you thought about doing this for a fee? (Get it, Ms. Fee?) teehee!

    Seriously, this is one of the most fabulous things you have ever come up with, and would make a great business, to take orders for personalized photos.

    Remember that photographer that made a huge business with butterfly names?

    Wow! You really got me going! I need something like this for Scott, and his birthday is in January!

    Joan, you just amaze me....

  3. Pattie,

    I am so fortunate to have you in my life, in so many ways!

    Thanks for the shout out and the encouragement!

    Have an awesome Christmas and I can't wait to get together soon and kick off the new year!


  4. Anonymous6:56 AM


    He sure is.

  5. This idea was so inspiring that I had to pass it on. My neighbors 21 year old son was struggling to figure out what to give his mom - am M & M collector - for Christmas. We went and bought a bag of M & M's and spelled out the letters of her name with them. Then we framed the pictures....she is going to LOVE it! Very unique! I will send you pictures of the finished gift.

    Thank you for always giving such great ideas!!!

  6. Bunko Lass -

    What a great idea! I can't wait to see the photos!

