
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Gift Card Gift Wrap

Gift Card Gift Wrap or my half hour of creativity for today...

My nephew's birthday is coming up and he LOVES books, so I got him a gift card from a bookstore and a book about archaeology (he wants to be a paleontologist).

I wanted to make the gift card special so, for my creative time today, I got the idea to copy an interesting page from the book I'm giving him to wrap the card. One of my color ink cartridges is out, so now my printer won't let me print except with black ink - well, it made the copy interesting.

Tomorrow night is my mom's monumental birthday, so we're having a bbq and hopefully a special gift I ordered her will come in the mail and that I remember to take a picture of it before I wrap it up. My fingers are crossed that it comes in.

I know your mind is whirling with creativity ideas - take some time (say 1/2 an hour) and explore.


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