
Thursday, October 09, 2008

Voice Over, Sitting Around the Fire, Catching Up with Friends...

I'm finally back home in a bit of a mental fog this afternoon. My couple of days in The Valley were awesome - I love when I can mix work and lots of pleasure.

I got to brother's house late in the evening on Tuesday expecting everyone to be inside watching tv or doing homework. When I pulled up to where my 'home away from home' always is (I have a standing reservation in their trailer when I'm in the area) - but this time, I was greeted with a fire in the fire pit where he and his younger son were sitting. We sat and chatted on a beautifully clear evening and later, Justin, my older nephew, came out and we popped pop corn over the fire. My sister-in-law corralled the boys to take showers and David and I sat and watched for satellites (he'd seen 3 pass over that night) and talked about life. He's turning forty next month and he's been thinking a lot about health, family and the future. Hmmmm...sounds very familiar. The last couple of times I've been in the area, my brother has been sweet enough to make sure an outside light is on on the trailer and my bed is ready to go - he even fixed us all breakfast a couple weeks ago.

I was up early on Wednesday, got lots of liquids to soothe my throat and headed to Fresno to do voice overs for the video scripts I wrote. It was just two of us in a huge studio with sound buffers around me to keep down the echo and a big microphone that I practically had to swallow because I had to be so close - I did voice overs from 9 until after 1! The person recording the voice overs was very meticulous (no complaint here!) but I would never have imagined 5 pages of script to take so many hours. It was hard to make the topic upbeat, but I read the lines over and over and stumbled over some words and read them again and again with different inflections. If he asked me to do it again, I wouldn't hesitate - something else to put on my resume and it was fun. The voice overs went so long I had to cancel lunch plans with a friend which is a bummer, but she's coming over to visit in a couple of weeks, so it wasn't so bad.

Wednesday night, I had dinner with my friend Frances. I had forgotten how much I missed her laugh, her guidance and her friendship!!! After dinner, we just got in the car and drove and drove and ended up in the next town shopping at Wal-Mart. It was late when I drove back to Lemoore across the back country roads and once again, my bro had so nicely left the light on for me.

I saw my mom and dad for a few minutes this morning before heading home. My whole family is heading this way to celebrate my nephew's 30th birthday this weekend and since we got rained out last weekend, David and I are going to work in my front yard - I hope to get it ALL done, he's not quite that optimistic.

Enjoy your day!


  1. hey my friend! what videos? are you crafting? telling stories? gardening? making ceramics?

    curious minds want to know!

    love you, miss you!


  2. Hey My Friend!!!

    It is sooooo awesome to hear from you!!! The voice overs were for videos totally not involved with the craft industry and they were such a wonderful challenge! Something totally outside of the box for me.

    The videos I'm editing are some Cheryl Ball and I did a few months ago using things from our childhood. I hope to finish them tomorrow before my family comes for the weekend.

    I sure hope you're coming out for CHA in January so we can get together.
