
Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Nina...
Here's what I'm doing tomorrow - visiting the Nina!!!

Why visit the Niña?
To see a near perfect example of a type of sailing ship — the caravel — of such clean, sculptured, honest design that it was produced for upwards of 125 years. With its Scandinavian style bow and midsection and its combination square and lateen rigging it was probably the best open water sailing vessel of its time — that pivotal time referred to as the Great Age of Discovery.

To stand on the sloping deck of the Niña, as true a replica as will probably ever be built. It was Columbus' favorite ship, the one he very nearly died on in 1493, upon which he ultimately logged more than 25,000 miles.

Today, Sunday - It was a strange day today - I woke up at 6 a.m. and immediately got down to work - it wasn't until about 9 that I realized it was Sunday - I thought it was Monday - I couldn't figure out why no one was returning my emails. And, silly me, hadn't changed my clocks from last weekend, so I was really fouled up! OK, I'm up to speed now - it's Sunday and I know what time it REALLY is!

The reason I was fouled up today was that Friday night was my brother's surprise birthday party and then I came home Saturday afternoon.

A ton of family and friends showed up for David's birthday party held at the local bowling alley. He is a very giving person, always doing for others, so it was so nice to see so many people show up and show him that they appreciate all he does. I made dozens of airplanes made from gum and candy - they were cute favors - they look complicated, but they aren't. I personalized them by printing off a sentiment and gluing it to the wings. I didn't get any photos of them, but you can just type in candy airplanes on the internet and the directions will come up. David wasn't surprised which was a bummer. The whole plan was to tell him that the kids wanted to go bowling and that he and his friends would go to dinner then meet the wives and kids at the bowling alley. My story for being there was that I was going to a planning meeting for my high school reunion cruise. Well, David and his buddies got to the restaurant and David saw the guy that we usually go to his house for the class meetings, so that clenched it for him. It was fun anyway!

I went to Wal-Mart last week to get David's present and found some beautiful curtains and a window scarf - I hadn't been to Wal-Mart in ages, so I was very surprised to find some amazing items to finish up my home.

I made myself a cup of tea one day last week, sat down at the computer and ordered Christmas presents on-line - it's so much easier on the feet and with places like having free shipping - why not?

Today was a nice day to get some things done - I started a 'Things That Bug Me' list - it's those things that never seem to get done - they might take 3 minutes, but...I did a few of them today and it felt good. I also went through my notebook that I started last January - it's where I keep all my financial info, goals and stuff like that. I wasn't as religious as I'd hoped this year in keeping it up, but I did get it out every couple of months and see where I was. Unfortunately, most of the goals I'd set for this year will be the same for 2009 - I have made lots of headway on them, but none are completely done. I feel that as long as I'm doing something to get them accomplished - it's a good thing!

Make this week a fantastic one!


  1. Anonymous8:23 AM

    OK, let's see how those curtains look once you get them up!

    Your coastal transformation is so fun to watch, you little butterfly, you!

  2. OK, I promise to post photos - they turned out quite wonderful!

    I have so many ideas, I just need to take photos and post them.

    My coastal transformation is fun for me too. I'm finally feeling settled and am looking for some other fun ways to accent my life.

