
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Check out the hummingbird...

My week...a spur of the moment trip up the coast, White Christmas, crafting, delightful food, delightful friends... This was a very interesting week, one with MANY twists and turns, all thoroughly enjoyable.

On Tuesday, I found out a big deadline I was working on got extended a few days, so with that freedom (plus I was super stressed out and knew I needed to chill), I jumped in my car and went north on Highway 1 along the coast. My plan was to head up the coast for about an hour to Ragged Point and have lunch - but something made me whiz on by there and with the many twist and turns of Highway 1 I found myself at my favorite restaurant in Big Sur. Lunch was fantastic, overlooking the Big Sur coastline. The weather was fabulous and the drive up and back was great - hardly any traffic which let me pull into turnout after turnout to observe the mighty ocean below. I turned up the tunes real loud (thanks Miss Frances for Beyonce!!!) and found myself pulling into places I'd been before like Ventana Inn - they now have nice wood chaise lounges overlooking the ocean and I found myself basking in the warm sun not wanting to leave.
Wednesday was the newcomer's luncheon at a country club about 1/2 an hour away - it was absolutely spectacular - the view out the huge windows was of the surrounding hills with beautiful vineyards. We were all chattering about wearing our holiday finest - sweaters, jackets, etc. and it being 72 degrees outside - ahhh, the life of living at the coast (I had been emailing with friends back in Fresno and they were socked in with fog and freezing). I got introduced as being on the new board - some people were amazed that I was a new member (4 months) and already volunteering for a position - it's who I am, I wouldn't have it any other way. The food was wonderful and we had a presentation by a local high school choir of holiday songs.
Wednesday night and Thursday morning were spent doing freelance work. I literally had pieces and parts of projects everywhere in my tiny place. I got a phone call from a high school classmate saying he'd be in town in ten minutes and inviting me to dinner. I did the 8 minute scurry clean-up. Thing is, I have been to his house for meetings and he is one meticulous person, but, oh well. As we walked out of the restaurant, the sun was absolutely gorgeous right in front of us setting over the ocean!!! We stood there watching the sunset and I couldn't help but say outloud - "This is MY life."
Friday night was so delightful - Cheryl Ball, her sister Krissy and I got dressed up in our holiday attire, went to a steakhouse for dinner - I don't have steak that often, so it was a wonderful treat (was yummy for breakfast this morning too!) and then we were off to watch a production of White Christmas - it was absolutely amazing!!! We even got snowed on in the audience.
I woke up to rain this morning but as the morning progresses, the sun is shining and the ocean is beautiful. I need to play catch-up today after all my fun actives this week, so it's a working weekend for me. I'm not boo-hooing, cuz I had a delightful week.
Take care,

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