
Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Countdown...

I woke up this morning wondering how I got to where I am at this moment - HUGE deadlines before I can head out to be with family and friends for the holidays. On the positive side, I have been waking up before dawn lately and the sunrises are magnificent!!! A time to pause and watch the beautiful pink sky unfold.

I wish I could share with you the many projects I'm working on at the moment - some will appear on the Duncan website - here it is Christmas week and I'm working on some Valentine's project instructions. The book I'm working on has taken over my itty bitty home and as much fun as I've had, I will be so thankful to ship it off tomorrow.

It's a cold, blustery day here - it was supposed to rain this weekend, so I'm a bit disappointed in that since I have to be indoors.

I'm finishing up favors and decorations for Betty's party on Tuesday night. She doesn't know so many are coming, she just thinks it's a couple of us. I'm trying to find a balance - press on hard to get a lot on work projects done and then treat myself every couple of hours to some fun time getting ready for the party and for the holidays.

I'm heading to the grocery store in a bit to pick up items to make chili for Christmas - we're having tri-tip, smoked turkey, beans, bread and salads. Yummy...many, many years ago my family got on a kick of making H. Allen Smith Chili - there's a story behind it, but I can't put my finger on the recipe at this very moment. My family hasn't had the chili and years and years, so it's my treat this Christmas.

Oh, and the treasure hunt for my nephews, Justin and Brandon. I think I'll just wait on that until I get to their house and come up with some fun places to work with - when you have a 40 acre farm there can be some interesting hiding places - we might not see them for days...

Have an awesome day - take time to smell the roses, have a cup of tea, watch the sunset - enjoy your precious day.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Hi! I was just trying to use an old video tape, and up popped an old recording of a 1995 Creative Living show! It got me to thinking, what happened to the Aleene family??? So I went online to find out, and couldn't turn up any information. Browsing around I found your blog (the only recent writing that mentioned Aleene's show). What can you tell me about that nice family and what they are doing now? Is Aleene still alive? I had heard years ago that their studio burned to the ground, and that was the last...except that they are associated with Duncan. Please give me an update. I would love the old show to come back, along with Carol Duvall's great show. Marilynne
