
Friday, January 16, 2009

It's been a whirlwind few days...

I've been sending out tons of book proposals and with email being the way most publishing houses want their proposals, it's a quick turn around. (Read that as a quick 'no thanks!')

I've been walking and walking - the weather has been absolutely gorgeous - in the 80's!!! Valerie and I have been good about getting out to walk on the beach for an hour. Last weekend, my sister, nephew and I did a 2 hour walk on the beach followed by a healthy dinner at Taco Temple. Valerie, invited me to a stretch class, so looks like I'll be adding that to my activities a couple of times a week.

We made a quick trip over to Fresno / Lemoore for my dad's 82nd birthday. I picked up a Madonna Inn Toffee Cake - it was over-the-top! I made a quick trip to Fresno to do some paperwork and then on to lunch with my friend Frances - we could talk all day and all night, if we had the time! She is soooo insightful and such a good friend - one that I can tell EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to and she has had similar situations so we can identify with each other so much. I love to see what she and Rudy have done since the last time I was there.

Yesterday was my first COPE (Center for Obesity Prevention and Education) meeting on the Cal Poly campus. My sister went to school there so I at least knew the basic layout of the campus - I walked passed where we stood in line for what seemed like hours during her registration (ahhh, to have had computers and on-line registration back then) and I passed the building where my nephew, Chris, graduated a few years ago. Everyone was warm and inviting at the meeting. I was the only person not associated with an agency like the Y, food bank or a fitness center. It's idea time, so this afternoon I'll shoot off an email to them with some creative ideas for a huge symposium in October.

Well, I'm off for a doctor's appointment and lunch with my sister and nephew at a new restaurant and maybe a movie this afternoon.

It's a busy weekend, my high school classmate, Lisa, will be in Pismo Beach and wants to 'pick my brain' about something, so it will be good to see her again. AND, this weekend I will finalize my plans to go to London...yippeee!!!

Make it a great one!


  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Speaking of London, take a look at these beautiful night shots of the city. Fabulous!

  2. Hey Candyland,

    Thanks so much! Those pictures are incredible! I forwarded on the link to my friend who lives there.

    I am now thinking about adding on Greece to my trip...decisions, decisions...
