
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

My past and present seem to be colliding at a very rapid speed!!!

I received an email from a friend in Texas and she'll be in the next town over this weekend. I can't wait. I remember when she called to confide in me that she was considering moving. She invited me to dinner and I thought it was just going to be a nice girl chat, but then she dropped the bomb that she was considering moving to Texas - she wanted to hear my take on it. I was honored that she wanted my opinion - there was a bit of pressure - what if I told her the wrong thing??? It will be so great to see her. I hardly got to see her when she moved with all the parties and packing she was doing.

This weekend I'm also getting together with my high school classmate who was the quarterback on the football team. I haven't seen him since high school. I told him I'd dust off our yearbooks and we could go down Memory Lane.

Last night I went to see the movie Last Chance Harvey with Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson - I had a hard time letting go of "Rainman" during the movie and his character reminded me of a friend, so I was kind of distracted. We went to dinner after the movie and there was Anne McDermott from the Center for Obesity Prevention and Education. It was great to finally meet her husband and put a face to the man I've been hearing about for a couple of months now.

Makes me wonder who from my past will pop in next...

The weather is so fabulous!!! My friend and I walked again today and yes, I watched my 25 mph and there was my new friend, the police sergeant, parked in the parking lot when I got there.

My friend, Valerie, wants to learn to make stained glass and I just happen to have all the equipment (I'll have to make sure it all works), so stay tuned for that.

Enjoy the moment!

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