
Sunday, August 09, 2009


The Great American Melodrama & Vaudeville

One of my friends arranged for eight of us to go to The Great American Melodrama & Vaudeville in Oceano tonight to see Gold Fever at the Rough and Ready. It was a evening of hot dogs, sawdust on the floor, singing, hissing and booing the villain and good old fashioned fun. After two hours and the main feature was over, they announced it was time for the vaudeville and I have to admit I was rather disappointed because it had already been a long day. I laughed so much and so hard! It was a fabulous way to end the evening. It was nice to catch up with friends on the way down and back home.

Tomorrow night, a bunch of us are going to see Julie & Julia and then dinner. Can't wait!

Busy week as my book deadline nears...

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