
Monday, September 28, 2009

Morro Bay Avocado & Margarita Festival

Avocado and Margarita Babes in Morro Bay

Denise and Jean, former co-workers at Aleene's Creative Living, came up for 'green day' in Morro Bay - avocados and margarita's. I hadn't seen Jean in years and years - thanks ladies for an awesome day - loved shopping in my home town! AND, Leslie Ann, Denise's daughter, was our official photographer - she'll be 21 in just a few days - she's not the little girl I knew back in the Aleene's days - time does march on so quickly.

We tasted yummy avocado themed food including Avocado Ice Cream (it was OK, give me chocolate!) and we did partake in a margarita even though it was chilly.

Harbor Festival this weekend - always something fun going on in town.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

See Canyon San Luis Obispo

Fall is Upon Us

The coast has been fogged in the last few days, so I ventured the 20 minutes to San Luis Obispo for some sunshine. It's amazing in less then 15 minutes the temperature went from 88 to 64. I took See Canyon all the way to the end and it goes into Perfumo Canyon Road that drops out by Madonna Inn.

I HAD to stop at Avila Valley Barn - it's overflowing with pumpkins, corn and many varieties of apples. I even picked up a couple Christmas presents in the gift shop. It's right off of highway 101 south of San Luis Obispo.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Butterfly Guitar

I was going through the photos on my cell phone and this one popped up - I saw this in a guitar shop on our trip to Washington and Oregon. Who would have thought?

Optometrist Eye Charts

On a recent visit to my optometrist, I was totally engrossed by all of the foreign language eye charts throughout her office.

Artichoke Flower

Saw this on a walk a few weeks ago - I'm not sure which is more yummy - an artichoke or the flower after it's too late to eat it.

The Cotton Ball Morro Bay

This amazing tree is made from fabric!! I saw it at The Cotton Ball in Morro Bay - fantastic fabric and idea place to be!

A friend let me borrow her house for a party and she wasn't even in town. Thanks Z! The flowers were from my yard.

Butterfly Wall Divider

My mom and I went to the gift shop at Apple Farm in San Luis Obispo and found a corner dedicated to butterflies...

Paper Mini Furniture

Apple Farm had cute little tables and chairs made from paper - amazing! (picture, not so amazing)


Some friends I went to Santa Margarita a couple weeks ago - there was a divine nursery and this was one of the vignettes.


The nursery was home to several birds, including this amazing guy! We went on out to Pozo - the home of great concerts - no concerts that day, but now I can say I've been there!

The Range Santa Margarita

We went to a most divine restaurant in Santa Margarita - The Range! Lemon Pound Cake with berries - yummmmmeeeee! The owners and staff were so friendly, they even came out to the car as we were leaving to tell us goodbye and thank us for coming...I think we'll go back!

Paper Bowl

I was at a meeting at Cal Poly last week and had to take a quick pic of a bowl someone made from paper and paperclips to hold apples. Too cute!

Car Wash

It took me a few seconds to remember where and what this picture was of...the car wash!!! They use several colors of soap - it's so fun and unexpected!

Harmony, California

I went to the town of Harmony today to pick up my sister-in-law's pieces from her glass blowing class last weekend. Here's the story about the TINY town of Harmony on the Central Coast of California.

Harmony Glass Blowing

Here's one of the pieces my sister-in-law, Nicki, made during her glass blowing class last weekend. Way to go, Nicki!

Another piece Nicki made last weekend in her glass blowing class in Harmony.

Granny Squares are a Go-Go

Granny Squares are Back!

The last couple of days I've seen granny squares twice! Once on Kathleen Sams blog and yesterday at a local nursery. Check out Kathleen's blog where she talks about how Granny Squares were the first thing she learned to create. Thanks, Kathleen for sharing the photo of the Granny Square Comeback!

"Who says granny squares aren't cool?! I just couldn't resist this dress worn by Cate Blanchett yesterday at the "Screen Worlds: The Story of Film, Television and Digital Culture" exhibition opening at Federation Square in Melbourne, Australia, on Thursday, Sept. 17. "

Sunday, September 13, 2009

“I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” Pablo Picasso

Great words to live by.

COSTCO International Photography Contest 2009

Well, I did it and it was a tough choice! With a click of my mouse, I entered the COSTCO photography contest. You still have time - the deadline is September 30, 2009. It's a quick upload and you're done or you can mail it in. Details

You'll just have to wait until I win to see which one I chose...teeeeheeee....

Iced Carpet

I was going through my archive of many, many (too many!!!) photos to decide on one for the COSTCO International Photo Contest and ran across these photos - I was about to delete them, but had to share - too funny! Ice actually works to raise indentations in carpet from where furniture has been.

You let it melt and then vacuum!!!

OK, now I'll delete it!

Monday, September 07, 2009

Karen LaMonte at the Museum of Glass in Tacoma
I received a lovely note from Scott Wilkinson's Mom, Shirley. Shirley is a docent at the Museum of Glass in Tacoma and she gave us a tour when we visited recently. Shirley sent me a brochure and other information on Karen LaMonte. She obviously saw how enthralled I was with her work. I could have stood there all day and looked at this beautiful sculpture. AMAZING!!!
Thanks Shirley for the info. and all my best to you and Chuck.
I'm also very excited to hear that Dale Chihuly is coming to Cal Poly in November for a free lecture. Can't wait!!! I've already gotten four friends to join me.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Costco International Photo Contest 2009

Get out your cameras or dig in your archives and enter your best shot in the Costco International Photo Contest 2009

The theme is Give Us Your Best Shot and I am having such a hard time deciding which photo to submit. Is it a leaf photo or a shot from the Museum of Glass in Tacoma or maybe a picture of Morro Rock??? So difficult...

Here's a little bit about the contest:

Costco International Photo Contest 2009

International Grand Prize
$1,500 Costco Cash Card

National Prizes
First Prize: $1,000 Costco Cash card
Second Prize: $500 Costco Cash card
Third Prize: $250 Costco Cash card

All winners will also receive:
A two-pack leather photo album. Value of prize is $20.00. (Honorable mentions to be awarded at judges' discretion.)

You can check out last year's winners right here:

and for all the details the Costco website is: