
Monday, December 21, 2009

Let it Snow!!!

Yesterday, it was 70 degrees where I live in California and I attended a party where my friends had five tons of snow made for us to frolic in on their front lawn. Such fun!!! Kids, adults, babies were all enjoying the unusualness of snow at the coast. The food was fantastic, I met new people and the funness of playing in the snow on a warm day was so fantastic! AND, I got to talk to my friend's sister-in-law who met Dale Chihuly and he not only signed her book, he drew a stylized heart in it too!!! She's going to show it to me soon! My friend is taking a class in all paint mediums and showed me her creations - one she's finishing up for her mom for Christmas of beautiful yellow roses - she mixed pastels and watercolor. So lovely. I told her she was going to bring her mom to tears...

I LOVE things made from wire so my goal is to find a wire tree at a great price after the holidays!!! Anyone find one, let me know.
Enjoy your day whether it's zero degrees or 70!!!

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