
Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm cleaning today - going through that nitty-gritty stuff - organizing and getting rid of things - acting on what needs to be done. I was putting away a book on my bookshelf and noticed one my dear friend PattieWack told me about years ago. I am reading it again, but had to pause and do a little cleaning after being inspired by her words. The book - Living a Beautiful Life by Alexandra Stoddard (also the author of Choosing Happiness) - 500 ways to add elegance, order, beauty and joy to every day of your life. Love it! Back to cleaning - then, I promise to catch you up on all that I've been doing the last month!

Enjoy your day. It's rainy here - perfect for reading and cleaning.


1 comment:

  1. I still love that book, and gave a copy to my daughter Tricia. It's always good to pause....
    (((hugs to you)))
