
Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Fun! Fun! Fun!

My Afternoon with Heidi Borchers

Wow!!! Am I honored! I had a very long lunch with Heidi last week and when I left she said I HAD to come over this week to be creative. So today, I ventured the 10 minutes over to Heidi's studio and I had a lovely afternoon - she let me have run of her studio to select just the right pieces to put in my mosaic project and she has VERY cool items to craft with!!! While I made my mosaic masterpiece, Heidi was working on a beautiful recycled bottle necklace and chatted with her children on the phone. (Heidi, you are an amazing woman with such a kind and gentle spirit, I have always admired you and even more so after spending one-on-one time with you this last week.) AND, I encouraged Heidi to join me in my exercise class - see you Thursday, Heidi...(no pressure!)

Heidi and I go way back...if you're a crafter you probably have a bottle or two of Aleene's Tacky Glue. Well, Heidi is Aleene's daughter and we met back when we were appearing on the Aleene's Creative Living Television show many, many years ago.

I love Heidi's Eye Candy in her studio!

Check out all the goodies for making mosaics at Heidi's Studio - and this isn't anywhere near all of it!

Heidi getting ready for our photo op.

Get truly inspired at Heidi's website -

Thanks, Heidi!!!


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