
Monday, July 26, 2010

My Birthday Goes On and On and On...

Don't you just love it when your birthday celebrations go on and on??? In my case, it's two months - yes, two!!! I got together with my friends from the Aleene's TV days - Jean and Denise (and Denise's daughter, Leslie) this weekend and we had a fondue meal, went to see Inception (still scratching my head on a few of the things from that movie) and went back to Jean's and had this most decadent cake!!! You can't see it in the picture, but there are cookie chunks on top, on the sides and mixed with the frosting between the layers!!! Yes, I walked a TON the next day!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bracelet Napkin Ring

A Napkin Ring and Favor Gift in One

I recently attended a dinner party at a friend's home and she delighted us with a bracelet / napkin ring as our gift. It was so fun to select our bracelet, wear it that evening and get to take it home! Such a nice surprise and wonderful personal touch!

Flowers from my yard!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Oprah's Breathing Space Gallery Photo Submissions

Send OPRAH your beautiful nature images!
Are you a great photographer? Oprah wants to see! Share your beautiful and inspiring images of nature to help create the Breathing Space Gallery on

It's SUPER easy to send in your photo:

I already sent in mine!


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Class Reunion

The pictures from my reunion keep rolling in and I love it! Here I am at The Red Rock Saloon - notice the purple cup, yup there were gold ones too! This was near the very end of the evening and I still had on my shoes!!!! I seem to have lost a leg, though...

I finished up my post reunion notes last night and passed them on to the other committee members so we'll call it a done deal.

Once again, thanks to everyone who attended and the helpers who made the weekend extraordinary - you're the BEST!!!


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thank You Gift

So, what do you give a dear friend who takes you to her lake cabin for a long weekend, feeds you and entertains you? This is a person who has everything and expects nothing for her generosity, so the search for something special was especially hard...

The photographer / crafter in me decided to print some cards from the photos I took while I was there - Michaels has great inexpensive blank cards that I love to use! Once I printed the cards, I placed them in a plastic envelope, tied them with some raffia, included a twig, some bark and a little moss from our trip to make it extra special.

I made a photo collage too - she doesn't get to the cabin as often as she'd like, so I'm hoping the collage will be a nice reminder of the lake and cabin that she so dearly loves.


Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Fourth of July

My class reunion was over and it was time for some R & R!!! A friend invited me to her 'cabin' at Huntington Lake to kick back and relax. Yes, we kicked back but in that kicking back I met some amazing people and did some amazing things. Some of her friends invited us on a party boat they rented for an afternoon of tootling around the lake while enjoy good food and great company. More about them in another post because we had a lot in common - meanwhile, it's time to unpack, regroup and get going on some projects.