
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Better Homes & Gardens Fall Centerpiece Photo Contest

Fall Centerpieces Photo Contest

Check it out...fall is upon us and Better Homes and Gardens wants to see your best fall centerpiece idea.

Win $1,000 and a place of honor in Better Homes and Gardens. Submit your best fall centerpiece idea that shows your love of the holiday season. We're offering a $1,000 grand prize - plus a spot an upcoming magazine issue. So enter our Home for the Holidays: Fall Centerpiece photo contest and share the ways you celebrate the season.
Here's the website:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Morro Bay

I had noticed the odd looking ship hanging out by Morro Rock yesterday but I was very surprised to read the paper today and see my friend Alan's boat in the picture of the multi-million dollar yacht. If you live in Morro Bay or visit our lovely town, Alan's Lost Isle Adventure harbor tours are inexpensive and fun - only $10 for adults and $5 for kids for a 50 minute boat ride. He'll even take you over to the sand spit - something you could only get to with a boat or walking a very, very long time.

I never know what oddity I'll experience living at the ocean...can't wait to see what tomorrow holds...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Friends, Hike and New Experiences

It was a wonderful weekend filled with friends, exercise and new adventures.

Saturday, a friend and I ventured out on the Pecho Coast Trail for an almost four hour hike to tour the Point San Luis Lighthouse. We do a lot of walking, take an exercise class and I do Zumba, so I figured we could do it - there were times, especially at the end, where my knees were telling me that I need to stick to more level ground in the future. But the hike was absolutely gorgeous and the lighthouse is being beautifully restored!!! It is a guided tour (through a locked gate) and you have to sign up at least two weeks in advance at

On Sunday, a friend and I went to see Eat Pray Love starring Julie Roberts. I need to see it again because there were some very interesting points that I need to ponder...AND, I ran into a woman at the theater I used to work with at Duncan. Small world...

It's a new week filled with visiting a friend who is on vacation here, meetings, follow-up to my doctor's visit and some creativity wherever I can find it!

Make it a great week!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Me Day!

I had my annual physical today and from there let the day unfold - this was pure luxury for me and I'm thinking that in the years to come, I want to set aside the day to do it again. It was a treat and gift to myself - not only the physical exam but the day...

Have I mentioned I LOVE my doctor??? I was very ill back in May and my regular doctor wasn't available to see me, so I was given the option to see another one in the practice and I am soooo glad I decided to see him. He makes you feel like you really matter (and not rushed!)

After my appointment, I decided to visit a fabric store I had recently seen advertised - I used to be a quilter and made custom shirts for years for my family but sewing just hasn't been a part of my life for a while now. I slowly went up and down the aisles with no projects in mind. It was a nice treat to see the colors, textures and themes.

From the fabric store I decided it was time to treat myself to breakfast and treat myself I did. I went to Apple Farm and indulged in Banana Pecan Pancakes and they were delightful - I savored and enjoyed every single bite!

My next adventure took me to Pier 1. I get their emails and I have say that when I got the latest one I really perked up seeing the mini serving dishes they offer - they call them 'tastings'. I'm a believer in moderation, so I do have desserts, but these adorable little bowls, dishes and plates are perfect to serve small amounts, yet you feel extra special. They are so popular they didn't have the ones I wanted, so I had to order them. I was already formulating a party in my mind...

The day was still young, so I decided it was the day to take my Make Healthy Fun! book to my local bookstore. The ladies were so delightful and encouraging. I sold a couple of books and have signed up to do a book signing / make it and take it September 25th at the Coalesce Bookstore in Morro Bay!!!

This day has reminded me to enjoy food (in moderation - I did get the short stack of pancakes), step outside of my comfort level and see where it will take me and to mark my calendar next year to make Physical Day a Me Day!


Thursday, August 05, 2010

It's Time for Tea...

I have been going through my photo archives, sorting, deleting, reminiscing and I came across these tea pictures and thought I'd share them with you.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Sea Glass

I walk a lot on the local beaches and love looking for sea glass. I've been VERY fortunate to find quite a few pieces.

The Cayucos Sea Glass Festival coming up - here are the details:

Calling all Sea Glass enthusiasts! Sea Glass craftspeople!
Sea Glass jewelers and artists!
Come join us in beautiful Cayucos for our first beachside Sea Glass Festival.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
10:00am - 4:00pm
Cayucos Vet’s Hall (at the foot of the Pier)
Cayucos, CA

Butterfly Pins

I LOVE these butterfly quilting pins I received as a belated birthday gift!!! Can't wait to use them!!!