
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Butterfly Bathroom Valances

I love sister gave me a vintage doily a while back and I just didn't know what to do with it until I moved and was decorating my new bathroom. I cut up the doily (there were stains so I didn't feel too bad about cutting it up - it was that or leave it folded in a drawer). I think it turned out pretty darn cute - and I made it all while I watched Dancing with the Stars last night!!! See what you can do during commercials...


  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    hello joan
    i need some help in finding the magic of christmas by aleene creative living i cant fine it no were tell me were i need to go an look for it at an i need the price an the address were i can send payment to tell me something i want that book bad

  2. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Send me an email at for details about The Magic of Christmas book
