
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

You Know...

You've been doing too many spray adhesive projects when you release the spray nozzle and it comes off the can and sticks to your finger. That aside, I love working with the Aleene's Crystal Clear Tacky Spray.

I rescued this changing table a couple of years ago from my brother and sister-in-law's 'to sell pile'. I love the clear openings until I started using it in my bedroom and when someone would come into the room they could see ALL of the items in the drawers. So, I bought some inexpensive lace fabric, cut it to the size of each opening, sprayed on some spray adhesive and within minutes I had all of the drawers covered.

Before and now it's so much more feminine. You could use other things to cover the openings - I was even thinking beads, but the lace won out.

Tip - if your fingers get sticky from using the spray adhesive, spray on a little WD-40 - it's take it right off.


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