
Friday, June 24, 2011

Lemoore High School - 110th Anniversary

110 years of excellence!!!

There literally will be dancing in the streets tomorrow night in the city of Lemoore.  The small farming town, where I attended high school, will be celebrating 110 years of existence. 

The festivities start this afternoon when my high school friend and I hit the local ice cream place and then tonight about forty of my classmates will be partying at a local restaurant.  Tomorrow night the streets of Lemoore will be closed down and they're saying up to 5,000 people will be attending. Four different bands, food, hugs...I have three generations attending and my great aunt was in the first graduating class of four. 

Then Sunday, it's a picnic and I just found out that I'll be staying Sunday night because I got a voiceover gig in Fresno the next morning.  To add to the fun, my 9-year-old nephew is coming back with me and we're going to squeeze in a little fun, do a little yardwork in prep for his dad to come over later in the week to hopefully finish-up my front yard.  Meanwhile, I'm behind in my web design class (my final is July 8th!!!) and I'm behind in my Crafty Chica PR class...I have to play catchup next week after all the fun this weekend!

I'm going to be seeing a lot of purple and gold this weekend...Go tigers!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Ankle Saga

Today was an interesting was day four of therapy on my ankle and I can say I have now done many things I have never done before.  Today was walking on the treadmill in a harness - they wanted to take pressure off my ankle so I was strapped in to a harness in so many ways.  I've done a couple of intense ziplines and those harnesses were nothing like this harness.  They took 25 pounds 'off of me' and while I was walking I didn't feel it, but when they took the harness off I felt EVERY 25 of those pounds.  After that, I was 'taped up' to see if it would stabilize my ankle - never done that before either. Then they sent me on a search for a lace-up ankle brace and three places later I finally found one. After all that torture I didn't even get a foot massage (I did get iced which feels awesome).

Therapy is done for this week but I have a huge test this weekend when I have a big social event where I'll be walking and standing for hours.  I scheduled therapy for Monday morning...maybe I'll get a foot massage if I've been good. 

Be sure to take care of yourself and watch it when you're going down stairs!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Aleene's Mini Reunion

Last night was if time had stood still.  We had a mini Aleene's reunion and for some it had been years and years since they'd seen each other. 

There was Beth, the floor director of the Aleene's Creative Living television show (she kept our taping schedule on track - we usually taped 8-12 segments Monday through Friday), Tiffany Windsor, host of the show, Heidi Borchers, designer extraordinaire, Sharon Williamson took over from me as the instruction writer when I went on to be the editor of Aleene's Creative Living magazine, Lori was the producer making sure once the segments were taped that they were edited and ready for airing on television and Jean was a segment producer doing all the before, during and after handling of the people who appeared on the show.

It was great reminiscing, catching up and planning for upcoming reunions.

To think a bottle of glue started it all...

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Happy 60th Anniversary 
to my parents 

We're celebrating this weekend in an unusual way - I'll post photos after our family adventure on Saturday!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Jump Rings or Links?

Web Design Class vs. Crafting

I'm more than halfway through a six-week web design class and today one of the things I'm studying is a jump link - I know my way around a jump ring but a jump link?  Back to studying! 

Monday, June 06, 2011


I was unplugged today - but not by my choice!  I knew my day wasn't starting off right when I turned on my computer and it came up that I had a virus...and then other yucky things started to happen on the screen.  Thank goodness I have a repair guy a couple of blocks away and he fixed me up, but it took all day!

Strangely, since I wasn't plugged in (BTW, I accidentally unhooked my phone too when I unhooked my computer so it was a real quiet day!) I got lots done.  I worked in my garage and got tons done (I'd started yesterday) and I worked on a PR class I'm taking by The Crafty Chica.  She's so inspiring.  I'd better get caught up on emails and homework - yikes!  I have website design homework too.  Little time, at the moment, for hands-on creativity!

I think I'll unplug more often (by my choice) - it was a more peaceful day...

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Celebrate Good Times

I was looking through the archives of the Aleene's Creative Living television show and ran across the Birthday Banner Quilt Pattern I presented on the show and thought I'd 'bring it back'.  The pattern is perfect for someone who would love to make a quilt for the first time or for someone with quilting experience. The name 'panels' have velcro on the back so you can change them out for everyone's birthday. Check out the SHOPPING section on my blog for more info about the pattern -

Here's a later version I made for my sister's family - she surprised me last year when she brought it to my house when we were celebrating my nephews birthday.  This version was more 'crafty' with 3D paint for the lettering instead of sewing the letters.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Learn to Quilt

Have you ever wanted to learn to quilt?  The Family Tree Quilted Wall Hanging pattern is the perfect beginner's quilt project and it's inexpensive too.  The pattern comes complete with a list of the materials you'll need, a color photo of the finished project, full-size patterns and easy to understand instructions.  Quilting is great fun and this pattern makes it super easy to create a family heirloom for your family or as a gift.  Click on SHOPPING!!! over to the right for more details.

It's that time of year again...

Grab your cameras and be on the look-out for the perfect photo op to submit to the Costco International Photo Contest 2011.  I'll be thinking about it all summer long in hopes of finding that 'best shot'.  Best of luck!