
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Side Yard Makeover

Side Yard Makeover

So, here we are before starting the front yard renovation!  Tons of ivy (I see I'll be battling that for quite a while), weeds and who knows what?
 Before from the street.
In process...
 After...a friend here in town gave me tons of succulents and my high school friend, Dan, brought me some Fountain Grass when we got together for our all-class reunion in June (yup, I was able to keep it alive until now.  I used the Fountain Grass (and the flag) to cover up some cracks in the wall (the wall belongs to my neighbor).  Yes, my brother still needs to come back and cut a few more stepping stones to fill in the gaps.  Oh, how I wish they'd textured and painted the wall further back...

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