
Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's almost here!!!  MAYhem
That's what I called the month of May when I turned 50 and every weekend during that month I did something 'crazy'.  Well, this year I'm going to celebrate my friends and I'm getting the ball rolling with a handmade invitation to a weekend filled with fun activities. 

I started by gluing pieces of butterfly scrapbook paper on blank cards I got at Michaels then added some layered papers.  I wanted to get everyone excited about the event so I included a little butterfly charm that they'll bring to the weekend to craft with.
I scanned the image of the butterfly from the scrapbook paper and used it as a watermark on the inside.
I protected the charm with a light cardboard insert and I just couldn't leave it plain white so I added stickers and doodles - learned that from my friend, Pattie Donham Wilkinson years ago.
I added stickers to the outside of the envelopes too.  Can't wait for the RSVP's to come rolling in.

More details about the Slumber, Crafty, Celebration of our Lives Party soon - it's going to be so much fun!

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