
Monday, July 16, 2012

Italy Treasures & Unexpected Finds

Things felt more special in Italy - the colorful stick adorned our gelato one day.  The smaller stick came in a drink - if you look closely, threads are woven between beads.  After all, it's the little things....

My diploma from The Food & Wine Academy of Florence. Such a special day.  Now, to whip up some pasta...
I couldn't resist these butterfly earrings - I think I can recreate them.
Murano Glass - I had to get a necklace and earrings and the ornament to adorn my Christmas tree this year.
Street vendors were everywhere making these necklaces.  They even had intricate wire guitars that they personalized - one is now in my guitar loving nephew's bedroom.
I had to get this silk tie for my dad, the airplane lover.

My VERY talented graphic artist friend who stayed at my house while I was gone left these behind for me.  Thanks E!  I've never seen a rock look so lovely.
I had to have this olive wood ladle - it even smells like olives!  Luggage space was limited so I brought back very small things like this 3" diameter olive dish - the quality is fabulous!  I have painted olives on a plate before so I can truly appreciate the painter's skill on this bowl.

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