
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Eggscellent Hard Boiled Egg Recipes

Easter Egg Flower

What to do with all those eggs after an Easter egg's a creative solution, make edible flowers.

Check out other creative and healthy crafts and recipes at

What You'll Need
  • Eggs, Boiled
  • Stick Pretzels
  • Green Food Color
  • Knife and Fork
  • Paprika - Optional
  • Mayonnaise, Reduced Fat
  • Paper Towel
  • Bowl

How To Make It!
1.      Cut egg in half.
2.      On bottom part, cut a tiny bit off so it sits even.
3.      Remove yolk from top part of egg and place in bowl. Set aside.
4.      On top part of egg, cut upside down V shapes to look like petals.
5.      Cut a piece from another egg for leaves about 1” x ½”. Dab on green food coloring with paper towel. Let dry.
6.      Press pretzel in pot, thread on leaves, and press on flower. Add yolk mixture to flower cup. If desired, sprinkle with Paprika.
7.      Place excess pieces of eggs in bowl and mix with a little mayonnaise to fill other flowers. 

Make a whole garden of eggs. Place fake grass or even broccoli on a plate and place your flowers among the ‘grass’. You can even ‘paint’ your flowers with food color – brush it on or dip a paper towel in the food coloring and dab it on the egg.

What other ideas can you come up with to make using eggs? A basket, an owl, a truck…

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mailbox Inspiration

I saw this cool rock mailbox on my walk the other day.  I wonder how they got a hole in the rock. It inspired me to do something with my plain, metal mailbox.  I have this thing about mailboxes since both of my parents were rural mail carriers.  I'll be back soon with my creation...

Friday, March 08, 2013

Time Change

Are you ready for the time change?  What will you do with more sunshine hours?  I'm looking forward to having more outdoor time and that means not only weeding and planting but also creating projects to go in my yard.  I have a few different glass plates and dishes that I think I'll make into flowers.  More on that soon.  Meanwhile, enjoy that little bit more sunshine and enjoy!