
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Shrink Plastic Frame Workshop

Shrink Plastic Heart Frame Workshop

Wednesday, March 12th
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Los Osos, California
$30 (all supplies are included)

My passion for shrink plastic started when I was a kid and we lived ten miles from town without much to do on a farm, so being creative became an integral part of my life.  I took that passion and created many, many, many shrink plastic projects on the Aleene's Creative Living Television Show.  So many, in fact, that Tiffany Windsor, the host, dubbed me 'The Queen of Shrink-It'.  My passion continues today and I'm excited to be holding this workshop at Heidi Borcher's Studio where I'll let you in on all the shrink plastic secrets and show my archives of projects.

Amp-up a plain frame with colorful hearts made from shrink plastic.  Remember playing with Shrinky Dinks or Aleene’s Shrink-It?  Never heard of shrink plastic?  Either way, you’re in for a treat. Shrink plastic starts as a thin sheet, you draw on it, paint on it, print on it - you get the picture.  Then you get the fun of watching it shrink in the oven.  It shrinks in just a few minutes to 60% of original size to the thickness of a nickel.  Joan will show samples of other uses since it’s great for jewelry, cake decorating, home décor and kids’ projects.  Everything’s included in the workshop to create an 8” x 10” frame.  Come join the fun on the beautiful Central Coast just north of San Luis Obispo!

Sign-up at

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