
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Creating with Photos Workshop

 Creating with Photos
Wednesday, July 9
6:30 – 8:30
Los Osos, California on the Central Coast of California

Photos!!!  We all have tons of them on our computers and phones, so let’s get creative and transform them into gifts, home décor items, greeting cards and cupcake decorations - we’ll even have a party at the end featuring photo decorations!

Your instructor, Joan Fee, loves being creative and taking photographs.  This workshop is geared for any skill level so bring your friends along for a picture perfect evening – you’ll finish all of these projects in the workshop and get to take them home:

Beautiful Photo Vase and Magnets – A plain vase turns into a statement piece home décor project using a simple decoupage technique and you’ll use the same technique to make cool photo magnets.  Vase will vary from one shown.

Personalized Greeting Cards – Learn how to use photos to create beautiful personalized greetings cards that look beautiful, share your talents and save on the pocketbook too!

Glowing Candle Holder – This project transforms a photo into an amazing nightlight or accent to any room.  We’ll use a craft knife to cut out details in a photo, mount it to a glass candle holder that lets the light shine through to cast a welcoming glow.

Joan will let you in on other super unique ways to be creative with your photos – everything from inexpensive fabric printing, to wallpaper to, well, you’ll just have to come to the workshop to find out all of the secrets…

Then it’s party time!  Oh, we almost forgot, Joan loves a good party, too!  She’ll let you in on secrets to creating cupcake decorations with your photos and how to make other creative party items.  Sign up today and come join the photo party!  Details are at

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