
Monday, November 27, 2006

Gorgeous Thanksgiving!!!

Thanksgiving was gorgeous in my neck of the woods. After we'd gobbled down the turkey we were crafting away! I even got my nephews, Chris and Nathan, to work on their own Christmas presents - boy, does Aunt Joan know how to work it or what?

Chris is an engineer with Boeing and Nathan is a college student looking at a degree in architecture. It was interesting to see the difference in their creations - we did ceramics projects where you added dish soap to the glaze, blew bubbles, dipped the bisque piece in the bubbles and the colored bubbles remain. Chris just put a few random bubbles on his and Nathan covered his mug with them. You can see my mom in the picture workin' the bubbles. They're going in the kiln tomorrow, so I'll show you some pictures soon. Here are the how-to Bubble technique instructions

On Friday, my mom and I went to Morro Bay and enjoyed the awesome weather! We had fish and chips at an outside restaurant along the ocean and then were off to Cambria, a great place to find unique gifts.

Let me know what crafty things you did over the weekend.



  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    It sounds like you have a wonderfully creative family!

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Hello my old television friend,

    I live in New York and have never heard of Morro Bay. Where is it? The big mountain seems out of place by the water. Tell me more.

    Carolyn in New York

  3. Hi Carolyn,

    Morro Bay is between Los Angeles and San Francisco along the coast of California.

    It was a childhood place for us to escape the summer heat in the San Joaquin Valley - it holds many fond memories for me - sitting out at the rock (the rock is huge by the way - it is the top of a volcano!) watching the waves shoot high into the air.

    There are wonderful places to eat, many unique shops and my favorite when I was a kid was the Shell Shop where I'd look and look for the most beautiful shell for the few pennies I had. I think I need to go back there just for the joy of looking. I might even find some shells for a wreath.

