
Thursday, November 02, 2006

A Scary, Scary Halloween

We had a fun Halloween day at work, dressing up as our new line of ceramic Fantasy Divas. Do you see a resemblance between me (yes, a blonde!) and Skye, my ceramic counterpart?

Our group (the Creative Department) did the Diva Thing and went all out including some motorized wings! The two Divas on the right in the group picture are guys - oh, my! What we'd do for a free lunch!

I'm off for a girl's getaway weekend - we call them WOW's - Women Only Weekend!!! You guessed it - no guys, lots of food, lots of crafting and lots of fun - I'll let you in on that after the weekend. We have declared Saturday as Pajama Day - that's where we don't get out of our jammies all day. We usually have a Finished Wall - that's where we put/hang all the projects we finish during the weekend - some projects take more than a weekend to finish so we have projects that have come to WOW's for years.

Happy crafting,

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