
Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's National Craft Month!

I was just writing some copy for the Duncan website about March being National Craft Month. It made me stop and think that I really need (OK, and want!) to take time to CREATE!

Last weekend, my 5 year old nephew and I painted using the Tulip® 3D Fashion Paint™ - every time he visits (which isn't often enough for me!) he asks to paint. I LOVE IT! We went to a local craft store and he selected a wood 'bug carrier' as a gift for his brother's hamster. Well, after he got it painted, it quickly became a holder for the plastic animals he had also gotten at the craft store.

Back to me being creative. My next stop is to check out the Duncan website and get inspired for my next project. Hmmmm...tie-dye, invitations for a special party I'm planning - I'm sure I'll find something!

Oh, I am getting to test another new craft product this week - can't wait to share that with you when it's released! Just a little teaser!

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