
Thursday, July 05, 2007

Crafty Room Makeover!!!

OK, I had company coming two weekends in a row - so I challenged myself to spruce up my guest bedroom on a tight budget.

I already had the Caribbean Blue bedspread and brown and blue pillows, but nothing on the walls and dustbunnies on the bedside table.

I ran across the drawing of a sandal I did a couple years ago when I was 18 and the paper was pretty crumpled. I decided to tear around the edges to remove the torn section. I knew I wanted to frame it and it needed some color to draw it into the room colors. I brushed water on a piece of Vellum paper and sprinkled on Tulip Soft Fabric Paint that I'd watered down a little. It was fun to watch it spread and have no control over what it did. The white showed through too much, so I watered down the Chocolate paint and did an antiquing wash over the whole sheet. I let it dry and applied the sandal drawing with some Aleene's Original Tacky Glue. It is so much better to have a home for my little sandal instead of in a roll in my closet.

So, the room still needed some pizazz. I found this braided rug for $4 and decided it just needed to be cut in half and used as a valance over the vertical blinds. I ran a line of Aleene's Fabric Fusion along the cut edges to keep it together.

I found the great Caribbean Blue candle, large tropical leaf and glass sprinkles at my local craft store to add a little more color. Later, I added a beautiful picture of the Hawaii coastline to the table.

Perfect! And within my budget too!


  1. Anonymous11:38 AM

    The sandal on the blue background reminds me of a walk on a beach.

  2. My gracious girl, you have been BUSY! The bedroom looks so good, I might just have to invite myself to your house for the weekend. *giggle*

    lovin it,

  3. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I LOVE the colors...same as my bedroom! I especially love the sandal art!!
