
Sunday, August 12, 2007

I did it!

So, just as I had predicted, my nephews and I did Sonic for dinner Friday night and then went to the bookstore!

On Saturday, we went to the local zoo with the intention of them having a good time and me facing one of my fears - snakes!

We were greeted at the reptile house with lovely ceramic turtles, snakes, etc. That kind of took the edge off going in for me. I do have to admit that even though there was thick glass between the snakes and me, I still had some uneasiness. Can you tell from my picture? I tried to step back and look at them and take in their beauty - the designs and texture really are beautiful. It was interesting to hear my nephews talk about snakes - the oldest was almost giddy!

I'm not sure what this accomplished, but I did it.

My younger nephew Brandon fed the giraffe - I think he enjoyed it - he asked if he could feed it some more. I had no idea a giraffe's tongue was so long!

To me, the highlight of the day, (besides spending it with my nephews) was going to the stringray exhibit. It was fun to have the stingrays gravitate toward us, running their bodies over our hands so we could feel. Cool!
We had more fun tootling around town - my nephews are 5 and 11 and then there's their Aunt Joan who's, well, older than them, singing at the top of their lungs to Bon Jovi - the 5 year old and I like the same two songs on their new CD - go figure!

Be on the lookout for my post on Wednesday - Nicki, my sister-in-law and I are going to give blood (need to make an appointment tomorrow!). Yikes, am I really going to do this? Yesssireeeee...

Make it a great week!

Ohhhh, I almost forgot! My day didn't end there - my friend and I went to a jazz thingie Saturday night - many restaurants from around town bring food, there's a silent auction and then there's the music, ohhh, and the train! This was the third time I've been to this event - the evening was beautiful - great weather, great food, great company. The event was held at a place that opened when I was in kindergarten - it's called Storyland complete with Mother Hubbard's shoe and a castle! For the last three years we wouldn't miss riding the train around the park - the fun part was that it was dark and we sang railroad songs as we rode around - I know when I'm with Jenny we'll ALWAYS have fun! There was a foreign exchange student from Brazil with us - I'm sure she was wondering about these crazy ladies! Oh, well!



  1. Joan, you are always having the BEST times, and tackling things like ziplines, snakes & trains! Oh, you are one crazy gal. I'm glad to be your friend. Have a great week, and I can't wait to hear about your NEXT adventure....XOXO, PattieWack

  2. Pattie!!! It's so great to hear from you! I can't wait to hear what you've been up to - I know you were on a road trip and I KNOW you and Scott had to have had an awesome time because you always 'have fun with it!"
