
Saturday, December 15, 2007

We're getting closer and closer...

I chatted with or emailed with friends this weekend and I heard over and over how they weren't ready for the holidays - some didn't have a tree yet, some were still looking for that perfect gift, one was calling to confirm my address and then there were some who were going to events and waiting to do their power shopping this week. Me, I'm usually done way before this (Halloween is my goal) but this year, it's been different and I found out it's OK!

Friday was our company holiday lunch - it usually consists of a very nice lunch, a couple of fun games and then we go about our merry ways on our afternoon off.
This year was DIFFERENT! Well, my name wasn't drawn for karaoke (but, my friend did insist that I take a photo with the mic in hand (she really just wanted a picture of the fabric 'column' behind me!) - but what a hoot it was to watch the five teams - who knew my co-workers could actually sing?
We had the Alvin and the Chipmunks team where they did the helium thing and sang like the Chipmunks (cute!), the Marketing group sang 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!' and that they did - except that one was not a girl - Roque (Q as we know him) had his wig leftover from his Thor costume at Halloween - and that guy wore that long blonde hair well! He came out into the audience and 'flirted' with the guys in my department - fun to see big, strong guys get a lot embarrassed at the 'affection' - you ROCK Q! The group that won was IT and Finance - our local football team is the Bulldogs - and our president's father (former head of the company) LOVES the Bulldogs - there's even a huge building next to the stadium named after him - (you need all this to understand the enthusiasm that filled the room.) Most everyone wore the team colors and Bob, who is 80+ years old, was at the microphone wearing a sideways team hat - they sang 'Who Let the Dogs Out?' - the roar of laughter filled the room the entire time the team sang. Hilarious! Friends at my table said their cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so hard!

We had an ornament contest and my friend Barb won a wonderful gift basket!

Joan's Fluffy Ornament
Here's What You Need
Aleene's® Crystal Clear Tacky Spray™
Tulip® Fashion Glitter™
Aleene's® Clear Gel™
Tulip® Glam-It-Up!™ Iron-On Crystals™

Here's How To Make It
1. Spray Tacky Spray all over ornament.
2. Immediately, sprinkle Glitter over ornament. Pat the glitter to help it stick. For a heavy coverage, spray on more Tacky Spray and sprinkle on Glitter. Hang to dry.
3. Glue Crystals randomly on one side of ornament, using Clear Gel. Place in cup to dry. Repeat until desired look is achieved.
4. Glue boa to top of ornament.

Beautiful topiary trees graced the hall of the banquet room - I think an upside down tomato cage could work as the base of this!

Back to Friday - Since my holiday shopping is done - I scheduled a massage for Friday afternoon - what an awesome experience - it was a new place and I know I'll be going back - I registered in this beautiful area and then was taken to the Quiet Room to wait for my masseuse - the room was complete with a huge aquarium and tranquil music. I had asked for a soothing massage, but one that would work out some of the stress too - well, she worked me over until it hurt so bad it took my breath away - but, oh my! It worked! I walked a little straighter and the tenseness was gone.

I worked yesterday on a couple gifts I will finish for Christmas - I'm covering more of the Glade Flameless Candles and I'm also working my brother's gift - some of my photography - but it's mounted very unique - more on that this week.
I'd better get back to cleaning so I can then have fun crafting for the holidays!
Until tomorrow -


  1. Hey Joan, I like how you "pimped" your Christmas ornament with a hot pink boa. How Fun! Girl, I'm ready for a Christmas massage myself. You're way ahead of me!

  2. Hey Girlfriend,

    I am so ready for you to come back (I promise not to be sick this time!) and we'll do that massage!!! Remember the hot stone massage we had in Cambria? I do believe I melted!

    Love you bunches!
