
Monday, January 28, 2008

This Weekend I Did Whatever I Wanted to Do

and it was FABULOUS!!! After weeks and weeks of overtime and being sick and trying to play catch up, I had absolutely nothing planned and let the weekend unfold as it would.

The box of chocolates was gone Friday night, I half watched a movie, went to bed early and woke up at 3 a.m. and finished the movie.

The storms cleared on Saturday and I got in a wonderful walk - fresh air and being outside was awesome! Late in the afternoon I returned my videos and before me were the majestic snow capped mountains - the sun was shining on them and WOW! They pulled me in and I went for a drive - it was so beautiful! The hills are starting to turn green and I was so disappointed to have to end my adventure all too early because it was getting dark.

The storms came back with a vengeance on Sunday and I opened my bedroom window to see and hear the rain, turned up the electric blanket and read for hours. Then the afternoon came and it was time for my voice lessons!!! I did not have the butterflies in my stomach I'd expected and when I was done, it made me question why I'm afraid of anything - but, I'll have to address that when I have to do a solo at an upcoming recital - yikes! Next week I get to sing two songs we selected - one is the song we sang at my sister's installation - You'll Never Walk Alone. The experience was fun and freeing - my teacher is over-the-top enthusiastic and we'll see where next week takes me.

Today brings more rain and tonight I'm finishing up the book I started this weekend - I was going to try and sneak in a few pages at break and lunch, but I decided to savor it tonight.

As my friend Pattie says "have fun with it!"
