
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wire Organizer

Here’s a nifty place to keep a little inspiration message or a reminder to do that ‘thing’ you just have to do!!!

What you need
Aleene’s® Original Tacky Glue Sticks™
10 gauge Artistic Wire (your choice of color for holder)
24 gauge Artistic Wire (your choice of color for twisties)
Artistic Wire Wire Worker
Craft foam, scrap
Beads, assorted
Rubber stamp, inspirational saying
Stamp pad
Decorative papers, one or two different
Scissors, deckle edge
Permanent marker
Wire cutters, flat nose pliers

How to make it
1. For tall holder, cut a 30” length from 10 gauge wire, using wire cutters. Cut a 24” length for smaller holder.
2. To curl base, grasp one end of wire, using flat nose pliers. Protect wire from scratches by placing craft foam over wire where it comes in contact with pliers. Twist, moving along wire until a sturdy coil base is completed. This will be 2-3 turns, depending on size of loops. Set aside.
3. Assemble Wire Worker, using flat bar, following manufacturer’s instructions.
4. Cut a 36” length from 24 gauge wire. Insert one end of wire through hole from top of Wire Worker. Secure by twisting around base of tool.
5. Wrap wire around bar, holding in place with your fingers. Turn handle with other hand, coiling wire around bar. Randomly thread beads on wire as you coil wire. Slip coil from bar. Trim excess wire at each end, leaving ½” above coil.
6. Place coil over holder. Refer to photo. Wrap coil ends around holder to secure. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until there is 6” of 10 gauge wire not covered.
7. Coil end of 10 gauge wire to make note holder section. Refer to photo.
8. Stamp image on paper. Let dry. Cut around edges, using deckle edge scissors. Embellish edges, using pen. Let dry. Glue on a second piece of paper, using Stick Glue. Cut out, allowing a large enough margin so that coil does not cover any of the stamped image.

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