
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Craft Challenge

Craft Challenge Begins!!!
You love to be creative! And, if you're like me, sometimes (OK, most of the time) it's hard to carve out time for myself and be creative. So, I'm taking the CRAFT CHALLENGE and I invite you to join in the fun too!!!
~ Commit 1/2 hour every day during March (National Craft Month) and do something (ANYTHING) creative.
~ Send me your creation for the day - it can be a photo, drawing, video - any form you'd like to share your artwork. Send it to me at and I'll post it on my blog. See the 'rules' to the left - it's all about having fun and being creative!
My friend, Pattiewack, loves to be creative in EVERY aspect of her life. Here's an envelope from a card she gave me a couple weeks ago - it didn't take her long, but I know she enjoyed creating it.
I can't wait to see what you come up with. I have some ideas already brewing for my projects. Go ahead, take the challenge.

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