
Sunday, February 17, 2008

President's Party

President’s Weekend Bash

Here’s what happens when two creative people get together for lunch…”So, are you bringing your fantastic chocolate dip to the party?” “Gee, I hadn’t thought about it.” That turned into a whole conversation on how last time I took the dip I did a strawberry topiary and how this time I had to tie it into the President’s Weekend theme – so within seconds, I was making a ‘tree’ to put cherries on (the old George Washington and the cherry tree story) and of course, we HAD to have a hatchet. All of this in a half hour lunch and we ate too and talked about the trade show!

So, after being busy Friday night and Saturday morning and not being able to come up with how to make a tree (Lindy suggested celery, but I just couldn’t visualize it!) I remembered this ‘tree’ I had that is supposed to hold photo charms. It’s just been sitting on my kitchen bar for ages and so it became the George Washington Cherry Tree. By the end of the evening people were decorating the tree with other items – we never did do the hatchet, but it really didn’t matter…

We had karaoke – yes, I’m hoarse today and I’m sure my voice teacher won’t be happy with me this afternoon. It was an exciting day for the hosts of the party – they set a wedding date!!! I’m sure Lauren will be sharing her wedding plans soon – I’ve seen the bridesmaid’s dresses and I hear from her California Mom’s that they are taking her dress shopping soon. Her fiancĂ©, Alex, was one of the guys who got dressed up as Barbie at my birthday party last year – nice to see ya Alex in regular clothes.

Today is a day to sleep in, have my voice lessons, run some errands, veg and it’s nice to know I have another day off tomorrow!

My friend, Barb, and I signed up to create the cutest ceramic project in a couple of weeks. It’s a Mother’s Day project – an adorable shoe.

Oh, yes, the last few days I’ve been exploring my next vacation – still haven’t decided on a place, but I’m having dinner with a friend Wednesday and the restaurant serves Tuscan food…

The ladies in my family have been planning a weekend celebration for my mom’s monumental birthday in a couple weeks. We LOVE to get away, but it doesn’t happen as often as we’d like – my sister-in-law has two little guys at home that keep her busy. Somehow we got into a tea theme for the weekend – we’re having high tea on Saturday, we’re making teacup birdfeeders, we’re making lavender candles in teacups and my gift to my mom is a clear glass teapot with blooming tea – if you haven’t seen the blooming tea, it’s worth checking into – I saw a set at Target yesterday – the tea comes in little pods, you add hot water and they ‘bloom’ into masterpieces – they’re tasty too.

Make it a creative day!


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