
Sunday, February 24, 2008


Tax Time!!!
Tomorrow I have an appointment with my tax preparer, but I'm finding this year easier and less stressful. Last year I found a large wood box and decorated it and that's where I put my 2007 tax information as it came in - no more hunting. Now, all I am doing is sorting through it - wow! what a difference a tiny bit of crafting and having a place for all the info makes in my life.
As for last night - my friend and I had a fantastic evening - there's a funky restaurant that I have been frequenting lately just down from the theater where we saw Tuesdays with Morrie. I highly recommend seeing Tuesdays with Morrie - I don't think there was a dry eye in the place, but it is one of those thought provoking plays/movies/books that makes you question where you are at in your life...after the play we went to an inviting coffee shop and sat and talked about life until midnight. Thanks GB!
I practiced my singing this morning and I'm finding that I am having trouble memorizing the words - I gotta work on that!
Meanwhile, I'm getting ready for the big crafting weekend next weekend - we're doing lots and lots of crafting so I definitely have my camera on my list of things to take to show you all our creations come next Monday. We have pampering appointment scheduled, we're making lavender candles, we're having high tea, we're making teacup bird feeders - we're going to have so much fun!!!
It's not too late to make your life less stressful - create a box for your 2008 tax info...

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