
Thursday, August 28, 2008

This Week

Aprons and More Aprons!!!

It's been a whirlwind week with lots happening, but the thing that keeps coming back to me about the week is APRONS!!! Late last week I had the pleasure of editing instructions for seven aprons that the Duncan designers created for an upcoming Belle Armoire issue. They ranged from one that Cheryl Ball created that I called a Lucille Ball apron to a Peace Apron. All very clever and all very different.

Last Saturday, I met up with Cheryl Ball who was selling her handmade items at the Paso Robles Olive Oil Festival. She had the best aprons for sale - while I stood there she sold 3 (one with an olive on it, of course) and she's making some aprons for a new bakery that just opened in Paso. Cheryl's wasn't the only booth selling aprons, there was another one, but she was charging over $40 for hers. On my way out of town, I stopped at a quilt store and there were more aprons!!! I see the apron I bought on my last vacation is hanging in my storage building - time to get it out and at least make it a part of my kitchen decor. On Sunday, Cheryl, her sister Krissy and I had brunch in Morro Bay. It was nice to catch up with both of them.

Looking back on last week, I don't know how I fit it all in. A former co-worker mentioned about me being a butterfly and after just watching one in my yard fluttering around for place to place, I think she hit the nail on the head. I DO have to post pictures of my butterfly bathroom - I keep forgetting.

Last Wednesday I attended my first newcomer's club meeting - it was fabulous - the energy of the sixty-five ladies was fantastic. They have little off-shoot groups - one is for Chick Flicks, one gourmet cooking, one gardening and the one that was formed that day was The Valley Girls. It seems as though about 85% of the members are from The San Joaquin Valley - that shouldn't have been a surprise to me since that's where I'm from and here is where a lot of the Valley people vacation to get away from the heat.

Last Wednesday night I visited with Kathy Cano-Murillo, The Crafty Chica. She was in a nearby town debuting her new product line - the line I spent over a year editing instructions, writing packaging copy and getting it translated - it was a BIG job. It was so fun to see Kathy in all her glory. I had dinner with Kathy and her husband, Patrick. What a terrific evening! Thanks Kathy and Patrick for sharing your evening with me.

Saturday was spent shopping - I bought a most gorgeous Mission-style bookcase, begged my sister and nephew to come over and help me unload it - I bribed them with ice cream. We spent the rest of the evening chatting and having fun. My sister and husband lived in this house for a while way, way, back.

I also found some outstanding bargains on summer clothes - 75% at Penney's. I need summer clothes because...I'm going on a cruise to Cabo in October. I'm going with 14 very party people, so it will be fun and it's a place I've never been.

The rest of the weekend was spent organizing my storage building, putting books on my bookshelf and going through old files - being totally afraid to throw papers away. I figure I can always track stuff down if I had to.

I have been busy working in my yard, planting flowers and trying to figure out what to do with a yard that's pretty much just dirt...I'm sure you'll hear about that again.

The weather as been absolutely fantastic, so I've been taking lots of walks and everyday I have the windows open to let in the sounds of the ocean and the fresh air.

Well, my friends, I must get back to work - be sure to check out - we're adding over 50 new projects this month on the crafts and ceramics websites - everything from Halloween costumes for your dog to a garden candlestick to a Crafty Chica project - can't tell you what it is!

Enjoy your day!

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