
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It seems that November is birthday month and today is a very special day for my family. My brother, David, (my rock) turns 40 - he doesn't like it very much when I tell him I used to change his diaper! I hear Nicki is making him a cake (his request) and they'll spend a quiet evening after a long day at work - we celebrated his birthday in style last Friday night with a not-so-surprise party.

My elementary school bus driver, Mr. Cotta, turned 90 last week!!! I went to visit him in September and all these years later he looks the same! I was at my local Rite-Aid looking for a card for him and to my surprise they had 90th birthday cards and the even shocker was that they had a ton of 100th birthday cards!!!!

Happy Birthday to Carolyn in Texas later this month!

I love living at the coast - it's supposed to be 80 degrees here this weekend and I'm finally getting together with my Walking Buddy, Kathi from Lompoc - I haven't seen her in four years - we used to spend every Monday, Wednesday and Friday walking and sharing our lives, then I moved 3 hours away and our schedules just never linked up to get together. She now lives about an hour away, so we're getting together over the weekend to walk on the beach. And, I had a phone call from a dear friend today and she's coming to play/research one day next week. That means girl time, lunch at our favorite restaurant, catching up and goofing off!!! I can't wait!

I'm helping a friend get her books out to publishers - it's fun doing the research to find just the right places to send them to. Keep your fingers crossed!!! She's a very talented lady and I would absolutely LOVE to see her books in print.

Time for a quick dinner because I'm calling a friend tonight and catching up - we have lots to talk about - it seems to be the right time to reconnect with friends and it makes me thank my lucky stars for my very supportive friends and for my family.


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