
Monday, November 17, 2008

Random Acts of Kindness, Revisited

I ordered some Christmas gifts online and I received some conflicting information in an email, so I called the company and after a couple of minutes of saying 'yes' and 'no' to an automated system, I was connected with a real live customer service person. First, he was shocked when I asked how he was. He said it was very refreshing. Then, when he came to the conclusion that I was given misinformation and the items couldn't be shipped until February, he suggested I print off a picture of the item and make a little Coming Soon card and include the picture. Christmas will come again for my recipients in February.

My neighbor knew I'd been sick for a while and one day he commented about my cough that was hanging on. I had a knock on my door a little while later and he'd bought me some cough medicine.

As I told the customer service rep on the phone 'we're all in this together...'

Make it a great week!


  1. Anonymous6:46 PM

    hope you're feeling better!!

  2. Hi Fashion Girl,

    I can't seem to get rid of the cough, but I'm feeling great! The coastal air is so refreshing and great for the soul!

    Take care,
