
Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Burden or Joy...

I laid in bed this morning under four blankets ('s cold!) and everything I need to do for the next week started buzzing around in my head...just today is a meeting with the old newsletter person showing me and my assistant what we need to do, dinner an hour away with my old Aleene's friends, I need to buy a gift for the exchange tonight (I thought way ahead a couple of weeks ago and bought a lovely candleholder and candle - it got dropped a couple of days ago and broke into a million pieces), I told the book editor I'm working with that I'd have some of the projects mailed, I have a ton of instruction writing to do, plan and get decorations for the Celebration of Life party for my high school classmate, Betty, not to mention all the holiday stuff and just plain ol' life stuff that needs to get done - BRAKES ON!!!

I was reminded by something a friend told me a couple of times last week, that we have a choice in EVERYTHING that we do - to make it a burden or a joy. So, no the decorations for the party won't get taken care of today like I'd planned and no I won't make and decorate darling cupcakes for the party, I hear there's a charming bakery in town and no, all the instructions won't get written today, but I choose to get the things done today that are absolutely necessary, to have fun, relax with my friends, relax about my expectations and celebrate this moment of my life as a true joy!


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Does anyone have an old project sheet from Aleene that instructed you on how to make a gift box out of wrapping paper?
