
Monday, March 30, 2009

Butterfly Mobile

I called it the Black Hole. When my parents built the house I'm living in back in the 1960's we had a Franklin Stove (aka metal fireplace) in the corner. They had grand ideas of using it to cook in - I remember it having a hook inside to hang a cast iron pot. I think about all we ever cooked in the stove was marshmallows. Someone along the way moved the stove to a storage building outback and what was left was the black hole where the chimney went outside.
Remember the butterfly mobile from my spring party last week? They now adorn my black hole. I glued on some silk flowers to disguise the metal band and then hung my butterflies using fishing line. Pretty inexpensive decorating!!!

A friend just called saying we're to provide dessert for a boarding meeting on Wednesday morning, so we're going to dip those magnificently huge local strawberries in white and milk chocolate tomorrow night to take to the meeting. Ahhhh...more chocolate.!

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